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Photos module
Inside of each project, you have access to a new photos module. By default, you are taken to the first tab labeled "My Photos". You can drag and drop or upload photos to this tab and keep them private to you until you add them to albums.
Photos in each tab are ordered by the date taken and grouped by month, week, or day.
Read more about the My Photos tab here.
Photo albums
The second tab of the Photos module is the "Albums" tab. Albums are used to organize and share photos on your project. As the photo album owner, you can manage access to the album, set an album cover photo, and update the album's name.
Read more about the Albums tab here.
Photo form attachments
As a user of ProjectTeam.com you probably already have forms on projects where you have uploaded many photos. Now, in the Photos module, those photos have automatically been organized into folders by form type which makes it easy to scroll through many photos and find specific ones you need.
Each photo in the "Form Attachments" tab can be opened in a fullscreen viewer. From there, you can also click a link back to the original form to which the photo was uploaded.
Read more about the Form Attachments tab here.
Download drawings
On the drawings log, you can now check the box next to each drawing and download them into one zip folder. Downloaded files will show a special format based on fields you entered on the drawing form. The format includes "Drawing #_Subject_Revision #.pdf".
Read more about download drawings from the drawings log here.
Contributor banner
In ProjectTeam.com, there are two types of companies; Subscribers and Contributors. Subscribers are companies that have paid to use ProjectTeam.com. Contributors are non-paying companies that have been invited to the system by a Subscriber. Our goal is to provide the best possible experience to both paying and non-paying companies.
For Contributors, we've added a banner on top of their pages that tells them they are a Contributor and provides a link to help pages that explain the benefits of ProjectTeam.com.
Read more about subscribers vs contributors here.