Subscribers vs. Contributors

Users from paying companies are considered Subscribers while users from non-paying companies are considered Contributors.

There are two types of users in


Subscribers have full access to all features available in including creating new projects, customizing forms, configuring reports, and more. Subscribers also have priority access to technical support resources provided by ProjectTeam. 


Contributors have limited access to features in They have been invited to join projects created by Subscribers and have access to contribute information to projects. Contributors can create new form records, upload files, respond to workflows, and more. 

Contributor users will see a helpful "Contributor Access" banner on their main menu signifying their permissions and linking them to pages to learn more about the benefits of for their use. Contributors can upgrade their accounts at any time and immediately gain access to additional Subscriber-restricted features.

Subscribers vs. Contributors feature comparison

Below is a high-level breakdown of features available in ProjectTeam reserves the right to update feature availability to Contributors at any time. 

Feature Subscriber Contributor
Company administration
Update company details check check
Manage company users check x-1
Manage company standard forms check x-1
Create company print templates (merge) check x-1
Run company/cross-project reports check x-1
Project administration
Create new projects check x-1
Configure project details (name, number, etc.) check x-1
Manage project users check x-1
Configure project workflows check x-1
Customize forms and fields check x-1
Manage users on projects check x-1
Manage project share groups check x-1
Configure project distribution lists check x-1
Set up account codes to track budget check x-1
Set up merge templates to customize print layouts check x-1
Working with project forms
Create new forms check check
Edit forms check check
Upload attachments to forms check check
Add comments to forms check check
Respond to workflows on forms check check
Assign action items on forms check check
Assign action items to users from other Contributor Businesses check x-1
View forms "as of" previous date/time check x-1
Extra sharing options (share to all users and email) check x-1