Video: Project Files Overview

In this video, we'll walk through the general navigation of the files area within a project.


Video Transcript

To help you save time and work more efficiently it's well worth putting a system in place to help your projects run more smoothly. In this video, I'll be showing you how file management in helps you organize your project files, photos, drawings, and more.

Within a project, you'll see a link to "Files" on the secondary navigation bar.

On the top of the page, you'll see three tabs available:

  • Project Files which is where you can create a complete custom folder structure and simply drag and drop files right into each folder 

  • Form Attachments is an area that is built automatically for you based on forms you have access to in the system. For example, if you have a Request for Information that has 3 attachments on it, you will find a folder for that RFI automatically created here with those 3 files in it. It's just another way to view all your forms and files within

  • Finally, there's a tab for halted and obsolete files. is a secure project collaboration system meaning once information has been shared with you it can never be taken away. Users can't delete files which would take that data away from you, but they can mark the file obsolete which puts it here. Think of this tab almost like the recycling bin for your files.

For the purposes of this video, I'll be staying mostly here on the "Project Files" tab.

I'm currently sitting at the root level of my files within this project. I can see here that I have a few folders already created. Each of these folders can be selectively shared to other users on my project. For example, I can see this folder is shared to many other users, while this folder is only accessible by me.

Sharing within allows you to keep some information private to you while still collaborating with users on other information.

In addition to the existing folders, I see at the top of the page I have buttons for adding new folders or uploading files. Let's click into a folder.

Inside the folder, I'll see all subfolders and files. From here:

  • I can click on any of the files to bring it up in the viewer

  • I can quickly rename my files 

  • I can copy individual files to other folders

  • and more...

Another really handy tool for a lot of users is the ability to upload complete folder structures that you may already have sitting on your desktop. Many times, when new users are just getting started in, they tell us they already have a folder structure they like to use on their projects.

For example, looking at my desktop here, I can see I have this folder and inside the folder, I have many subfolders. Clicking into a subfolder I have more subfolders and so on.

In, I could go through and individually add each folder and subfolder one by one. There's no problem with that other than it can be a very tedious process. Instead, I can simply drag and drop the entire folder from my desktop directly into the system.

Once it's done loading, I can click on this new folder and see all my subfolders have automatically been built for me. One last feature I want to mention. You'll notice at the top of the page here I do have a breadcrumb building for me that allows me to quickly go back up to any parent folder as needed. Let's go back to this folder.

Just like you can upload information to the system, it's also very easy to download an entire folder to your machine when needed. Just click the "Download All" open from within this drop-down and you'll see a new zip folder is created for you. In this folder, you'll find all folders, subfolders, and files.

That's all for now, thanks for watching.