Submittal Item Overview

Managing submittals in allows owners, architects, engineers, and contractors to be certain that the correct materials and quantities are installed on a project. 

A submittal item is typically created by a contractor who then "submits" it to members of the design team either by itself or as part of a submittal package. Keeping everyone on the same page helps make sure all plans and materials comply with design requirements before being delivered and installed on a project.

In, submittals are separated into two form types; items and packages. Both form types are accessed from the same “Submittals” area. There are two tabs in the submittals area; one for items and one for packages. 

Submittal Item Form


Subject (Required)
Type: Text (Single line)
Details: The Subject acts as the title of your submittal. In general, it's best to keep the subject short and sweet to serve as a quick reference to the main topic of the form.

Specification Section (Required)
Type: Typeahead
Details: The Specification Section is a typeahead field that shows all existing Specifications already created. In addition to choosing an existing form, you can create a new Specification from the typeahead field if needed.

Number (Required)
Type: Text (Single line)
Details: will automatically suggest the next available number based on existing submittal items within the Specification Section chosen.

Revision (Required)
Type: Text (Single line)
Details: will automatically suggest the next available revision number based on existing submittals. By default, the revision field will show a value of "0".

Revision Date
Type: Date
Details: The date that the specific revision of the submittal item was created.

Material Needed On Site
Type: Date
Details: The date that the submittal item is needed on site. 

Type: Text (Multiline)
Details: The Description should include notes that describe the submittal item.

Reviewer Action
Type: Picklist
Details: The Reviewer Action field is a custom-defined picklist that should be set up at the beginning of the project. The options of the picklist should be defined by the member of your team that is responsible for taking action on the submittal items. Typically, this would be an architect, engineer, or another member of the design team. To edit the values of the picklist, navigate to the customization screen, and then click the Edit link next to the Reviewer Action field.

Action Notes
Type: Text (Multiline)
Details: The Action Notes field should include any additional information from the submittal reviewer.

Type: Checkbox
Details: The Closed checkbox should be checked once the submittal item is officially closed. Closed submittal items are not eligible to be added to submittal packages.


Each submittal form comes with a set of panels that help organize different types of information. You can learn more about panels here.

  • Details

  • Revision History

  • Workflows

  • Attachments

  • Action Items

  • Comments

  • Related

Submittal Item Log

By default, when you navigate to the submittal items tab in the submittals log, you'll see the following columns:

  • Specification Section - By default, submittal items will be grouped by specification section to help users find information quickly

  • Item # (Default sort) - The concatenation of the Specification Section, Number, and Revision in the following format: "Specification Section-Number.Revision"

  • Subject - The subject of the submittal item form

  • Revision Date - Revision date of the submittal item form

  • Reviewer Action - Action from the reviewer on the submittal item form

  • Closed - Checkbox indicating whether submittal item has been closed or not

  • Created On - The date and time that the submittal item was created

  • Shared - The number of users that the submittal item form is shared to

Creating a New Submittal Item

NOTE: Before creating a submittal item or package, you must define specifications for the project. You can define specifications using the specification form. 

  1. Navigate to the submittal log within a project. 

  2. Click the New Item button on top of the submittal log.

  3. Fill in all required fields of the submittal item form. Typically, since you are creating a new submittal, you'll want to fill out the Subject, Specification Section, Number, Revision, Revision Date, Material Needed On Site, and Description fields. 

  4. When you're ready to save the submittal item, click the Save & Share button and you'll be able to share the item with other members of your project.