Learn about features included in our new release including Budget Item and Amendment updates and unit price enhancements.
Unit Price Contracts
In the Contracts log inside a project, when creating new Contracts, you have the option to create Unit Price Contracts vs amount based Contracts. If you create a Unit Price Contract, there will be extra columns added to the Contract's Schedule of Values collection including:
UOM (Unit of Measure) - Single line text field
Qty (Quantity) - Number field
Unit Price - Currency number field
Scheduled Value - Calculation field equals Qty x Unit Price
For non-Unit Price Contracts, the Scheduled Value field is open and editable because the UOM, Qty, and Unit Price fields are hidden and have no value. For Unit Price Contracts, the Scheduled Value field is read-only and can only be edited by changing either the Qty or Unit Price fields.

PCO (Potential Change Order) Unit Price Updates
To create a PCO, you must first specify a related Contract. If you choose a Unit Price Contract, there will be extra columns in the PCO Cost Breakdown collection that appear. Those extra columns include:
Revenue Estimated Qty
Revenue Estimated Unit Price
Revenue Estimated Value
Revenue Proposed Qty
Revenue Proposed Unit Price
Revenue Proposed Value
Revenue Approved Qty
Revenue Approved Unit Price
Revenue Approved Value
Cost Estimated Qty
Cost Estimated Unit Price
Cost Estimated Value
Cost Proposed Qty
Cost Proposed Unit Price
Cost Proposed Value
Cost Approved Qty
Cost Approved Unit Price
Cost Approved Value
For each set of fields, the Qty x Unit Price = Value.
Change Order Unit Price Updates
When creating a Change Order from a PCO, you now have the option to summarize all line items or show all line items on the Cost Breakdown field of the Change Order. This allows you to maintain the Qty and Unit Price detail from the PCO to the CO. Therefore, for Change Orders related to Unit Price Contracts, you will find three extra columns in the Cost Breakdown collection:
Unit Price
...and the "Approved Value" turns into a read-only field which is the calculation of Qty x Unit Price.
If you bring on a PCO that has 8 line items and choose the option to "Show all line items" on your CO, you will see those 8 line items with the UOM, Qty, and Unit Price information synced from your PCO to your new CO. Since the information from the PCO to the CO is synced, you will not be allowed to remove just one PCO line item from the CO. If you try, you will be prompted and warned that removing one item will remove all other related items.
Payment Application Unit Price Updates
When creating a Payment Application against a Unit Price Contract, the Payment Application Item Breakdown collection will show additional columns. Contract Schedule of Value (SOV) data will automatically come across to the Payment Application, but there will also be cells to track quantities as well as values for Work Completed from Previous Period, Work Completed This Period, Total Work Completed, Total Completed and Stored to Date, and Balance to Finish.
Each grouping of Qty and Value will auto-calculate depending on which you enter first.
Miscellaneous Improvements
Unapproving Budget Items - In the past, once a Budget Item was marked "Approved", it was locked forever. We now give users the ability to fix mistakes by unapproving those Budget Items. The unapprove option is found under the "..." ellipsis dropdown once the Budget Item is Approved.
Unapproving Budget Amendments - In the past, once a Budget Amendment was marked "Approved", it was locked forever. We now give users the ability to fix mistakes by unapproving those Budget Amendments. The unapprove option is found under the "..." ellipsis dropdown once the Budget Amendment is Approved.
Company Report Project Filter - At the company level, once you add the "Projects" category to your cross-project report, a default filter is also added allowing you to choose Projects based on a filter "Is One Of" on project names. We have now opened the custom filter to allow for other filter options such as "Contains", "Is Not One Of", "Starts With", and more.
Attachments from email to ProjectTeam - When you receive an email with attachments, you can now drag and drop the files directly from the email to the files or attachments are in ProjectTeam.com. This eliminates the need to download the file first, then upload it.