General Navigation
System Forms
- Budget Amendments
- Budget Items
- Change Orders
- Contract Exhibits
- Contracts
- Cost Proposals
- Directives
- Drawing Packages
- Drawings
- Emails
- Field Reports
- Meetings
- Merge Documents
- Payment Applications
- Potential Change Orders
- Punch List Items
- Request For Information
- Request For Proposal
- Specification Packages
- Specifications
- Submittal Items
- Submittal Packages
Company Administration
Project Administration
Reports & Dashboards
Release Notes
My Page Overview
The "My Page" is the first page you see when you log in. Here, you can update your profile, set email preferences, and more.
Take a look at the My Page
- Click Edit Profile to change or update information about yourself or add your profile picture.
- Click the ellipsis button (three dots) button to Change password and Update email notifications.
- Click any row of the Actions Items pane to review Action Items Assigned to or By you. The user can also create actions items from this pane. At all locations in Project the User will always have access to Action Items using the icon at the top of the page.
- Click any row of the Workflow pane to review Workflow Assigned to you. At all locations in ProjectTeam the User will always have access to Workflow Items using the icon at the top of the page.
- Recent Activity can be searched on a Project by Project level using the All Project Search box.