Project Email

Each project team has its own unique email address. Follow the instructions below to find the email address and set up a redirect rule in your email client to automatically copy your project emails to ProjectTeam.

NOTE: If the sender of the email is not a user in ProjectTeam, the email will not be displayed. 

Finding Your ProjectTeam Project Email Address

  1. Navigate to your project. 
  2. Scroll down to the Project Administration pane and click the Project Details icon.
  3. The Project Email Address is located on the Project Details This is what is referred to as your forwarding alias.


Setting Up Your Project As a Contact In Microsoft Outlook

  1. Copy the project email address from the Project Details form in ProjectTeam.
  2. Open Microsoft Outlook and open the Contacts page. Click the New Contact button.
  3. Enter the Project Name in the Full Name field. Select how to display the contact name in the File As field and paste the email address copied in Step 1 into the email address field.
  4. Press the Save & Close button to save the contact record.


Forwarding an eMail from Outlook to ProjectTeam


  1. Open Outlook and open an email in your inbox. Press the Forward button to send the email to ProjectTeam.
  2. In the To: box begin entering the name you assigned to the Project Email address account in the previous section.
  3. Enter additional information in the message section if needed and press the Send button to email the message.


Read about viewing emails in here