Create a Drawing Package Manually

Drawing Packages can be created manually or by OCR text extraction This guide will show you how to create a package manually.

A drawing package is a group of one or more drawing items.

  1. On the left navigation menu, click the Forms icon.
  2. Enter “Drawing” in the Search box or click the View All Form Types section to expand the list of form types. Scroll through the list and click Drawings.
  3. If this is the first drawing package for the project, click the Create New Drawing Package button located in the middle of the drawing package log.

    If other drawing packages already exist in ProjectTeam, click the New Package button located in the top right corner.
  4. A modal window will appear with two options:
    1. Manually Create
    2. Automate using Text Extraction

    We will select Manually Create. Search Text Extraction for help creating a package using Text Extraction.
  5. The Drawing Package form will open. Enter the required information in the Subject The General Notes field is optional, but the information captured in this field will be very helpful in creating robust reports about your drawings.
  6. To add individual drawings which already exist in ProjectTeam to the package, click the Add Existing button.
  7. If needed, use the Search box to locate a specific drawing in the list. Click the checkbox beside each drawing you wish to add to the package and click the Add button.
  8. If adding a drawing to the package which does not exist in ProjectTeam, click the Create New button.
  9. Click the dropdown arrow beside the Save & Share button located in the top right corner. Click Save & Share to save the document and share with other team members or click the Save button to save without granting access to the drawing package. Save & New if you want to create another package.
  10. The Share this document modal window will open. Select the radio button to the left of the Share Group or User(s) to share the Drawing Package with. The user can also use the Apply distribution lists if a distribution list has been created for sharing Drawing Packages. Click the Share button at the bottom of the modal window to share the record.