Complete an Action Item

Here is how you respond to an Action Item in

  1. The Action Items pane on My Page will reflect all Action Items assigned to the user across all projects. All items will be displayed including a record count in the appropriate row according to the due dates under Overdue, Due Today or Due This Week. To view the Action Items click any row on the pane.
  2. The Action Items shared with me page will open.
  3. The first tab will reflect items Assigned to me. To complete an item click on the Subject link contained in the view.
  4. The action item record will open. Review the item and click the Mark Complete button at the top of the page once the item has been completed. Click the Action Items breadcrumb trail in the top left corner to return to the action items view to complete additional items.
  5. Using the Action Items shared with me page, the user can also view action items Assigned by me and All action items by clicking one of the tabs.