Form variations can be applied to projects at a Company level and also at a Project level.
- Overview
- Applying Form Variations to projects from the company level
- Applying Form Variations at the project level
- Rules for Applying Form Variations
Form variations are a grouping of fields that can be applied to projects. Specific rules apply when applying these variations to projects, including reordering fields, adding fields, and what happens when custom project fields are mixed in.
Note: Form Variations are configured at the company level and can be applied to projects from the company level or the project level. In either case, the rules defined below still hold.
Applying Form Variations to projects from the company level
1. In the My Company area, click on the Company Form Types option.
2. Select the form type you would like to apply to projects.
3. Select the variation you would like to apply.
4. Select the Apply to Projects button.
5. Select the projects to which you wish to add the form variation and click Apply."
6. Depending on the number of projects selected, applying variations may take a few minutes. When the process is complete, an email will be sent. In the meantime, you can navigate away from the page while the process runs in the background.
7. Once you receive the confirmation email, the form is available for project use.
Applying Form Variations at the project level
Note: To apply a Company Form Variation to a project from within a project, you must be a project administrator.
1. Navigate to one of your projects using the Projects dropdown on the main navigation bar.
2. Inside your project, click on the form type you added a company form type variation to (For my example, I would find Budget Items).
3. Go to the customization area of the form type by clicking the "..." ellipses button and then click Customize Form Fields.
4. Click the "..." button in the "Form Fields" panel and Apply Variation.
5. A modal appears with all eligible variations; select one and click Apply.

Once applied, the form fields will reset to match the Form Variation defined at the company level.
Rules for Applying Form Variations
- Reordering (Company fields only) - When company fields are reordered, and that variation is applied to a project, the new order of fields will also change at the project level.
- Reordering (Project fields mixed in with company fields) - If project fields have been mixed in with company fields at the project level, then any project fields underneath a company field will act as a group when company fields are reordered. Therefore, applying a Form Variation will move the project fields on the form, to follow the company fields they are grouped with. For example:
- Adding - If a new field is added to a Company Form Variation and then applied to a project, the additional field will be added to the project. If the field is added and reordered before being applied, the new field will show in the correct order on the project.
- Deleting - Deleting fields on a Form Variation and applying to projects will NOT delete the fields at the project level. To delete a company field, visit the "Company Fields" page in the "My Company" area.